Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Octobriana's controversy : Rebel and Enemy of Communism?

Just to clarify things a bit and make sure there is no confusion whatsoever - this blog is neither pro-communist - (nor pro-capitalist).

I believe (and I hope) humanity will come up with something better - I mean at building an intelligent society the ants are doing fine, there must be a better way for us ...  for the people of all nations, races, beliefs and gender, to live peacefully and respect the environment. Or maybe I'm a dreamer ?!

Giving a super short overview of the Communism era - would be a challenge but let's say it went from a Dream, to a harsh Reality and ended up finally in a Nightmare - for a crash course you could visit the Museum of Communism which incidentally is just organized as "the Dream, the Reality and the Nightmare".

For me Octobriana represents the essence of the "Dream" part - because she's the Spirit of Revolution - the one that was pure, idealistic , Utopian.

This particular theme is presented in the Octobriana's movie (where you can see Octobriana showing a banner with Love and Live written on it for her lover) and in many comics (like the one drawn by Karel Jerie) showing that she was hunted, imprisoned and even tortured. Which means that in fact Octobriana is portrayed as an enemy of communism.

The issue "zero" from Alchemy texts published in September 1996 called "The Legend of Octobriana" by John A. Short is depicting exactly that too : her capture by the Russian while she was in the PPP's cell in Kosice. Her imprisonment in the Dzhelinda prison in Siberia for 30 long years - but since Octobriana has the Eternal Youth, she doesn't need a facelift or plastic surgery to look gorgeous in her (many) returns and that's why her legend is still very much alive.
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. 
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - 2006)

Communism is like prohibition, it's a good idea but it won't work.
Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)
Posters credits :  Museum of Communism and

Happy Birthday Miss Kardashian

Continuing my selection of Octobriana's "babe" of the week (or OBW) - today I've chosen Kimberly Noel "Kim" Kardashian because it's her Birthday (she was born October 21, 1980)
... I had to add a red star on her forehead - because that would have been a pity if she wouldn't have qualified for the OPPP - (Octobriana's personal posse program).

Happy Birthday Kim!

Picture credit : David Shankbone

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Geocities, Octobriana & 2012

Octobriana ; The Russian Underground: "In the Maya Prophecy Of The 20th Year Of The 11th Ruler, there is written: Zactunlah Pal Tal Ti Caan (The Girl With The White Face Is Coming From The Sky). the prophecy continues: 'Fire will burst from the ends of her fingers. They call her the Avenger. She is the mother of seven red stars'. The Prophecy Of The 20th Year Of The Eighth Ruler says: Enom Chimal, Emo Halal (With her will descend flat shields and arrows)."

 The Prophecy Of The Priest Na Puk Tun says: 'The heavens will flame with lightning and the Earth will burn'. Bin Ka Cikbech, Bin Ka Kanantech (We shall honour you and protect you) ­ the Royal Salute of the Maya Indians to their white ruler.
These original texts are pre-Christian and they give descriptions of the 'Devil Woman', which fit in with those from Arabic or Chinese texts: eyebrows meeting in the middle, with a triangle or a star above them, large breasts on a slim body, a black snake on her wrist, and so on. Most sources agree that Mahari was born the daughter of 'the White Warrior From The Northern Lands' (Jutland), and of a native female ruler, and (here the sources differ) of either the old Indian Harrapa tribe (about 4,000BC) or from the middle of the Ancient Toltec Empire (about 6,000 years ago).
All sources absolutely agree that the baby girl was entrusted to a caste of priests, and when she grew up was subjected to some sort of operation (the most frequently used word is literally 'radiation'), which have her immortality. Mahari is a person of strong emotions, but obviously also of considerable intellect, which leads to tragic conflicts. Her father was a 'noble savage', but her beautiful mother had definite tendencies towards perversion. And their child, in its terrible immortality and loneliness, undergoes a crushing cycle of transformation.
This above is a quite scary extract of Octobriana geocities website

The irony is that "Geocities" is doomed - after October the 26th - Yahoo is closing it down
see announcement

Since that specific page will then disappear I saved it here using the service.
I also submit the whole website to (hoping it's not too late!)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Alchemy Texts : Made in America - [part 2]

And here comes the 2nd part - of "Octobriana - Made in America" -

I like the ending, it's a great idea - fighting automatic weapon (m16 if I'm not mistaken) with a French-kiss!

The moral of the story is confirming what we see in Hollywood's films - when the producer get away with outrageous blood baths, preposterous carnage, unnecessary violence and wanton, but get censored because of one scene considered "too sexy" for the public - it always amazes me.

Make Love not War!

Comic Credits : comic reproduced with permission of Craig John(art) and John A Short (text)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Alchemy Texts : Made in America - [part 1]

October's Bonus - a comic originally included in the "Life and Death Special" Issue From Alchemy Text published in 2003 - this 3 pages below (second part later this week) is taking place in Vietnam and will depict the "Epic meeting" between the Armageddon Patrol(c) and Octobriana...

Permission to republish this comic was granted by the authors - so again,  a big "Thank You" to Craig John and John A Short.

Second part will follow soon

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Nice Octobriana on DeviantArt

That poster was created as an entry for one of the Remake/Remodel challenges which took place at the White chapel forums. A few other artists have posted their versions of Octobriana there.

This particular poster is pretty cool, I like the bear in the background and the cigar (undoubtedly from Cuba).

Thanks to the artist Alberto Silva for his permission to post that picture in the blog.
His website is here

DeviantArt (DA - link to my newly created page there) is a true gold mine for Octobriana (that's where I first stumbled upon Craig Jones comics - and later found MaryChain Poster) - very rich, talented and vibrant community.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Octobriana's poll : And the winner is ...

Selected by you - dear readers -  the actress that would be perfect to play Octobriana is officially Ivana Milicevic by 34% (funnily enough Petra Nemcova has scored 0% ; maybe she's too "sweet" for the role).

Full Result :

Ivana is now an official Octobriana's "babe" of the week (or OBW) ... and thanks to her red star on her beret - she's also qualified for the OPPP - (Octobriana's personal posse program).

More about Ivana
on wikipedia
on imdb

Ivana noticeably appeared as a Russian Intelligence Officer (Dasha Fedorovich) in the game Red Alert 3 -see the post here.

There are 2 high-resolution wallpaper (1920x1200) ->here and here -
and Dasha profile here.

It seems that we're never too old for video games.

NB : Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ 3: Uprising
© 2009 Electronic Arts Inc. EA, the EA logo, Command & Conquer and Red Alert are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Another lost comic : "Sleep to Dream"

Found another Octobriana's lost comic, see low-resolution preview of the page 1 below :

Back to 1997 - Tiger Mountain offered a comic preview called Filling In The Blanks!

The comic, called 'Sleep To Dream', was written by Stuart Taylor and drawn by Dave Roberts. It was supposed to launch a new comic series, around major plot lines from the Revolution Comics mini-series (see Alchemy Texts).

In this comic Octobriana's sidekick was Carl Malone, a 40 year old UFO and conspiracy nut. He was also the writer of "The Conspirator" - a magazine dedicated to UFO, aliens, conspiracy (obviously) and paranormal in general.

Now the interesting part was that - "The aim of the story was to establish Octobriana as a figurehead for the oppressed. Octobriana fights for the ideal that everyone should be free to express their own ideas and philosophies, without fear of oppression." - those were the words of the writer and publisher Stuart Taylor.

Unfortunately neither his mail contact is working  - nor Dave Roberts
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

So I wouldn't be able to get permission to post the comics here - but the online comic is still accessible at >

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Octobriana by Gom on Odosketch

Cool stuff, today not only you get an artwork by the talented French comic artist Gom - but you also get the chance to see his drawing in progress - Thanks to Odosketch

El Che [odosketch]

Bonus sketch "El Che" by Abraao